Sunday, August 24, 2008

Babysitting Kiki and Liam

Yesterday the girls and I went to Matt and Alicia's to watch the Twins. Emmy and Liv were so excited to play with them....they had a blast. They are getting so big and are so talkative! It is weird to hear them rattle off sentences, lol. After a while we all chilled on the couch and watched movies, including Recker. I love spending time with them :)

1 comment:

Annie Randall Photography said...

That pic of you and Liv is really cute! Let me know if you are coming in this weekend and if not I will come pick the boys up if they want to help. I will call you later! Check my blog of the pics I just took of Gunner! He was such a little booger when I was trying to take them but they turned out pretty cute. I took them in downtown Mesa and Mesa Center for the Arts.